By the fall of 2015, I thought I had read and tried all the manifestation books and techniques available. Then I happened across “Becoming Magic”. Four words–“It changed my life”.
Suddenly things started happening–nearly instantaneously.
First we needed a new refrigerator–literally, after one day of applying what I learned “Becoming Magic” a nearly-new $1500 refrigerator literally came to my email. The kicker was that it was for sale for only $600. I didn’t really have the money to spare, but knew I needed to act. So I did. Guess what, the next Friday I got an unexpected refund check for $600. Coincidental–maybe. But, wow, that was fast.
Next, I started sending letters, with checks in the amounts of all my bills, to the universe. Within one month, a totally unexpected benefit check for $132,458.22 from a former employer arrived in the mail.
Not only did I pay off all my bills, I was able to invest for my retirement and begin paying for my daughter’s college.
The list goes on and on….I even own an investment property that pays me $1400 per month.
Needless to say, I have read all three of Genevieve’s books and to this day, things just keep going my way. Some just happen, others need a little more concentration–but, they happen. My daughter tells me all the time–“Dad, you’re some kind of magician–everything you want, just happens.”
Two things before I go
1. It’s not all about getting things. It’s about having a peaceful life and confidence to know life will provide if you let it.
2. The most important technique is “Gratitude”. Having gratitude and keeping a journal of it is the secret–I just know it.
Thank you Genevieve for guiding me to a very rewarding life.
Dave Ellis
Palm Coast Florida
By the fall of 2015, I thought I had read and tried all the manifestation books and techniques available. Then I happened across “Becoming Magic”. Four words–“It changed my life”.
Suddenly things started happening–nearly instantaneously.
First we needed a new refrigerator–literally, after one day of applying what I learned “Becoming Magic” a nearly-new $1500 refrigerator literally came to my email. The kicker was that it was for sale for only $600. I didn’t really have the money to spare, but knew I needed to act. So I did. Guess what, the next Friday I got an unexpected refund check for $600. Coincidental–maybe. But, wow, that was fast.
Next, I started sending letters, with checks in the amounts of all my bills, to the universe. Within one month, a totally unexpected benefit check for $132,458.22 from a former employer arrived in the mail.
Not only did I pay off all my bills, I was able to invest for my retirement and begin paying for my daughter’s college.
The list goes on and on….I even own an investment property that pays me $1400 per month.
Needless to say, I have read all three of Genevieve’s books and to this day, things just keep going my way. Some just happen, others need a little more concentration–but, they happen. My daughter tells me all the time–“Dad, you’re some kind of magician–everything you want, just happens.”
Two things before I go
1. It’s not all about getting things. It’s about having a peaceful life and confidence to know life will provide if you let it.
2. The most important technique is “Gratitude”. Having gratitude and keeping a journal of it is the secret–I just know it.
Thank you Genevieve for guiding me to a very rewarding life.
Dave Ellis
Palm Coast Florida
Thank you Genevieve for the complete career turnaround and financial success achieved in my 60’s! Two years ago, I discovered Genevieve Davis’ Becoming Magic Series. My career and finances were stalled and stagnant. Like everyone, I had read a mountain of self-help books to improve my life, always searching for the right solution. The day I found her book, I was feeling hopeless, without answers and a plan. Then I saw her book and it was if the sun started to shine in my heart again.
How do I know it is precisely the Becoming Magic Series that worked? For one year, 2016 to 2017, I just did just part of her recommendations. 2017 New Year’s Eve, upset with myself, my resolution for 2018 was to follow 100% to the letter Becoming Magic. New Year’s Day 2019, having followed the Genevieve Magic plan exactly, I knew beyond a doubt how brilliantly Becoming Magic worked. 2018 was a year of astounding career expansion, and financial success.
What was really magical is that expansion of career opportunity and considerable financial growth arrived effortlessly. In my 60s! Things just seemed to drop into my lap. I am sure beyond a doubt that whatever magic you need, it will arrive in your life if you follow her process 100%! Thank you with all my heart, Genevieve!
I am so eternally grateful to Genny for pointing me in the right direction, with magic and riches. Thanks to Genny, I am now much more financially responsible (why did it take so long!), actively saving and trying to be complaint-free! I definitely feeling happier, richer and more in control (of finances), but I am taking ‘inspired action’ too (to make more money).
I also wanted to share how I was recently looking in Fortnum’s at St Pancras station and thought how I’d love to have one of their hampers – then promptly ‘forgot’ about ‘asking,’ only to make my journey home, get off the bus and find an F&M hamper at the bus stop! (pic attached). I take this as a real magic manifestation! (I think ‘forgetting’ is important!). Thank you so much – I do feel magic and absolutely in the receiving state and things are coming to me.
Thank you so much, Ginnib. xx
Fortnum’s Hamper Manifested
The pivotal moment in my personal life and business life occurred after I read Genevieve’s 3 books Becoming Magic, Doing Magic and Advanced Magic. I had big ambitions and as soon as I started to apply Genevieve’s concepts I INSTANTLY saw the MAGIC happen.
Incredible things occurred for my business, incredible partnerships seemed to just effortlessly fall into place, I met the woman of my dreams which EXACTLY MATCHED who my ideal woman would be and so much more.
Fast forward to now and my business is growing on a global scale, I have a major US celebrity as the ambassador of my business and I have some of the biggest companies in the world reaching out to me to engage with my company. I also have a loving and supportive partner who is by my side on this journey.
I have read and re-read Genny’s books from front to back at least 5 times and I live by the words in her book.
What Genny teaches is simple, fun and INCREDIBLY POWERFUL. I have seen with my own eyes magic happen in every aspect of my life and it’s the magic that Genny helped me discover.
Genny, thank you so much for your beautiful words of wisdom, I am so grateful that the universe connected us via the words in your book. You have helped me learn to harness the magic we all possess!
My life is magic in so many ways. People are always saying, “how does this stuff always happen for you”. I know the secret. I am the creator of my own universe and I have source always looking out for me. I am so blessed and so very grateful and this truly is the secret. It is one of the main points you share in your books. I have so many stories about how things are always working out for me that I don’t know where to start. Healing, money, friendships, everything to surprise and delight me is part of my world, but the best part is just plain feeling good ( it’s why we want all that we want anyway). Be kind to yourself, love yourself, be gentle, sooth yourself, meditate, reach for better feeling thoughts and watch the magic that happens. This is what your doing for others with your teachings!
With Love
Hello Genny.
I’ve been meaning to email you for ages.
I’ve read all the Becoming Magic books and the Becoming Rich book.
They completely opened my eyes to the law of attraction and I started to view the world and myself differently.
I acted on all the suggestions such as keeping an appreciation note book and opened up 5 savings accounts.
Your books then gave me a perfect lead into listening to Abraham Hicks.
I’m now a master of creation.
I’ve manifested my new beautiful home for my children and I and a great new job in bespoke furniture sales.
I’m working in the soul mate and more financial freedom.
But learning exactly how the magic wand work.
As someone who performs energy work and is trained in the power of intention, I was excited to read these books. I found them easy to understand, a good reminder of facts I know to be true, and an excellent use of my time. I have reread them twice. You do not need to spend thousands or attend seminars out of state to learn these ideas…Just read these books carefully to learn how your thoughts create your reality.”
Thank you so much for your email Genny, I have found your books hugely significant and they have certainly changed my life in allowing me to create a life I am entirely grateful for. I had already dabbled in a lot of books in the past couple of years about laws of the Universe, the power of thought etc…but I found myself blocked in the same way as you described by striving and pushing for goals as opposed to receiving whilst putting in the necessary actions!
I completely connected with your books and can see now how owning the power to create is the crux of the matter, as opposed to looking to the outside for outcomes. I have been following the money management tool and have also passed the books on to both of my grown-up children to help them have a healthy relationship with money.
I have now left my corporate life and am in the wonderful position of living my purpose and supporting others to do the same through having retreats in great places in the world!
Very warm wishes
Marie Renaud
I first downloaded your books about a year ago, I was determined to make positive changes to my life and really needed help, I had down loaded books before, promising my life could change so easily and it was all so simple, I will be honest I never got past the first few pages, they didn’t speak to me and to be honest it wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard or tried before. Then I stumbled upon your books, completely by accident while looking for a novel to read, things were not good in my life and I thought I’ll just have a quick look, I had nothing to lose and might just pick up something useful. I started reading and found I couldn’t put it down I read and even ‘re read the pages, something in your writing seemed to connect with me and what you were saying really did click into place.
I did think I was destined to have a very different life and you were so right, only I could change it. I did really well for the first few months and things seemed to change a bit. But then something happened (which I now believe to be a snap back) and I slipped back to my old ways.
I was having a really bad day a few months ago and I was replaying the last year in my head and how it had started off well then gone drastically wrong and was trying to remember the good things and I thought about your book, I then thought back to when I first read the very first book and I thought hard about how much better I felt from not complaining, for thinking positively and behaving like the person I actually wanted to be and the life I wanted to lead as opposed to the current rut I was stuck in. So I returned to the very first book again and when re reading it I remembered how many good things had actually manifested the first time round, how my life was becoming different and how much calmer and more in control i had felt by simply not complaining, thinking positively and by removing myself from any negative situations. I had actually been completely on the right track to becoming magic, i just hadn’t realised, taken enough notice or been patient. I had not taken your advise and had moved to quickly through each book.
So here I am again I have read the first two books so many times now but I like to refer back to them. I have taken notice of every positive change in my life and also the lives of my loved ones and I refuse point blank to be negative, every bad thing that happens I see as simply a stepping stone to something greater and my life is changing day by day. Trying not to think of the things i desperately needed was the hardest thing to do, but I was strict with myself I wrote it down asking the Universe for it but then I let it go, I burned the paper and ‘had faith’ it would at some point come to me.
now I genuinely think my life lacks nothing of any great significance, I have so much more than many other people and I am grateful for every part of it. If something doesn’t come to me, I now believe it was never meant to be mine or that I’m not ready to have that yet and move on. I don’t really think about it again I simply believe what is mine will eventually come my way.
I will move onto the other books again, but not yet. I am doing it properly this time and I can see it all working and I know I’m heading in the right direction and I plan to keep it that way. (No more snap backs for me thank you).
For the first time in a long time I can honestly say, I Love my life, I am financially much better off, my house is slowly on its way to being renovated, i have lost 7 stone, my oldest children both have jobs, my youngest is doing well at school. I am happy and my positivity is rubbing off on people around me too, I Love asking for good things to happen to other people and smile because they have no idea how or why it happened, they are just grateful that it did.
I have ‘faith’ that everything I ask for in my life will at some point appear. I Love that feeling.
Thank you so much for writing a genuine life experience of your own and sharing it so well I am truly grateful.
Before I found “Becoming Magic”, I was miserable trying to work with the law of attraction, running around trying to please everyone else and getting angrier and angrier as each year passed because very little was working and I was really trying. It has been a year since I read “Becoming Magic”, I no longer feel I am spinning out of control, I am more focused and I am loving my life authentically. Genevieve helped me to realize what is the truth about the law of attraction and I apply those truths daily to my life. I take nothing for granted. I sleep better, my health has improved, my skin is cleared up from a lot of acne and I do not get rashes from anxiety anymore. My overall vibration is much more positive and healthier. I am happier and I am able to focus on my business more and serve my clients to better.
I have read all 4 books, Becoming Magic, Doing Magic, Advanced Magic, and Becoming Rich. Becoming Rich has also helped me get a handle on out of control spending and shopping to where my income is constantly increasing and I am thriving financially.
There are a lot of well meaning people who write about law of attraction but a lot of the information is wrong or misconstrued. In Becoming Magic, I found the truth of the law of attraction and my life took off. The impossible has become possible and where there were walls, now there are doors.
Hi Genevieve,
Since reading your books I have had many experiences that confirm my belief that magic really can and does happen. I have to say that this is something I have always known, and I had experienced some amazing things even before reading your books, but you managed to put it all together in a way that no one else has ever managed to do, and since reading your books I understand everything much better, and my experiences of magic are now much more commonplace.
One experience that impressed me, but didn’t really surprise me, happened a few years ago. I was near retirement age and had eased back a lot on the work I do, creating web content online, something I have been doing successfully for some 22 years, when a financial situation arose that meant I needed to start earning a substantial amount each week, and quickly too.
I had a matter of a few weeks to achieve this, or things would get difficult for me and my family. I decided not to panic and simply believe that everything would turn out OK, somehow. Instead of feverishly trying to find writing clients, which is what most people in my situation would probably have done, I decided instead to go for a long walk in the country and think about the situation.
I’m from Scotland, but I live in Spain in a very rural area where there are lots of beautiful, peaceful walks. While on my walk I decided to define what the perfect web content writing work would be that I needed. I decided that ideally I would have a nearly unlimited amount of work from a single source that I could work on at my own speed. The work would be relatively easy to research and do, and there would be no revisions required. Also, I would be paid weekly and immediately on completion and submission of each week’s worth of work. Finally, the work would be paid at a rate significantly higher than usual.
Over the next few days I found myself slipping into what I can only describe as a kind of serene feeling of positive expectation. It was a good feeling, and I never doubted for a moment that the work I had defined in my mind would not materialise.
It took almost a week before I was contacted by a woman I had once corresponded with years earlier, but had lost touch with. She was working with a company in South Dakota, USA, that needed a lot of articles written, and she had been told to find a writer for the project. She had remembered that I was a web content writer, and decided to contact me on the off chance that I might be interested in the work, or know of someone who would be.
I told her I was interested, and then told her my rate, which was quite high. I wasn’t really surprised when she immediately accepted it, and asked me when I could start. To make a long story somewhat shorter, I ended up writing almost 2,500 articles over the course of 18 months. I worked at my own pace, submitting the articles each week on a Friday afternoon. I was usually paid through PayPal almost immediately, sometimes within 10 minutes or so. And as I have already mentioned, I was paid well above the usual writing rates for this kind of work.
In my 22 plus years of writing web content for hundreds of clients in dozens of countries all over the world, and on every continent except Antarctica, that was by far the best project I ever had. The company never questioned a single word I wrote, or asked for a revision. They let me work at my own pace and always paid promptly, and paid very handsomely too. It doesn’t get much better than that in the kind of work I do!
John Coutts
Before reading the books about Magic I lived my life feeling somehow discontented but never knowing the reason why. Once I’d read about Becoming Magic and then Doing Magic it was as if they pointed the way to ‘seeing’ what I already knew – that I am the powerful creator of my world. I rarely Ask but good things come to me on a daily basis. Reading these books has changed my life and I would recommend them to anyone wanting Magic in their lives too.
Genevieve your books have helped me beyond measure!
I’d read law of attraction and manifesting books before, hadn’t had much success and was pretty over the whole thing, although I remained very much into spirituality meditating every day. I randomly found Genevieve’s Becoming Magic and started reading the series very sceptically. However, as I read I started getting chills because it was ringing true and I knew that it would work. I read the whole volume and then started writing a ‘script’ of my ideal life, following Genevieve’s suggestion to not make any of the goals too much of a jump from where I was. I also focused on how I would feel on having achieved the goals. Underneath that I began writing down evidence that I was achieving the goals. I also started behaving like I’d already achieved it all. It really is working like magic. Previously I felt like I had to work and exhaust myself to achieve, now all the specific things I’ve written are just coming to me pretty effortlessly and often in ways I don’t expect. My business is starting to make good money for me and the charity it supports. My relationships are flourishing. When I have an issue these days I just write down how I’d like it solved in my script and then behave as if it already is. The best bit of this though is that I actually feel like the person I described in my script – relaxed, joyful successful. I really can’t thank Genevieve enough for unlocking this law of attraction stuff!
Emma-Louise Follows
Solicitor (and Fermenter!)
Hi Genevieve,
The universe has worked in a funny way for me. Two years ago when I read your books, I was teaching, a career I’d loved for 26 years but I was starting to realise I wanted an escape route. I envisioned working in a summerhouse in my garden and no longer being a teacher. Since then I have retrained as a counsellor and hypnotherapist, I did this with a view to having a way of leaving teaching gradually, building up a business that would then allow me to go part-time. However some serious health concerns last year meant I was able to take voluntary redundancy and I am now running my own counselling/hypnotherapy practice from a summerhouse in my garden! My health has improved dramatically and I’m happier than I’ve been in years. I’ve learned to trust that the universe will provide but to keep a very open mind about how it will happen. Most importantly I have a very strong sense of inner peace and an increased sense of intuition, I truly know everything is happening, exactly the way it is supposed to. I know I’m not passive in this process, I do my bit and I trust the universe to do the rest. I have other aspirations and I know they (or something better) is coming my way!
I have read Becoming Magic and Doing Magic. As soon as I read the first book, I devoured the second book. I am now enjoying Advanced Magic.
I will never forget the night I started the first book, under the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree, late at night. Already a magical setting, enhanced by a good book. My life was already going well. I have studied many books and authors through the past 8 years. Before my journey started, I was living paycheck to paycheck, moving through life without noticing all of the beauty around me. When I read Genny’s books, it was as if something inside me woke up. I began seeing things differently. As I now know, that is one of the keys to the Magic. I know see the good in all things, no matter what. I have become more present. I live every day knowing something great is about to happen.
I was so touched by Genny’s books that I have emailed her every couple of months letting her know of the changes that have happened in my life. She has graciously replied every time. Thank you Genny, for teaching me that it is so damn easy to live a fabulous life. We just have to relax, get out of the way, and let the good times roll!
Much love and Magic,
Emily Hendricks
I have read many other self help and manifestation books, some of which were helpful but I found your magic books to be refreshingly easy and to the point.
I was living in an area which I didn’t like and didn’t have the finances to move to a nicer area. I decided to put your advice into action and planned a move without any concern for how it would happen. I chose the type of house and realised that we would need around £10,000 more than the value of our house. But when the estate agent came around they valued the house at much more than we expected. Within 2 days of putting it on the market we had a viewing and the people offered the asking price. Three months later we moved into our dream home which I still love and am grateful for every day.
A word of warning, I thought I would like to live in an area where I had lived before and used the name of that place in my manifestation. The house we bought was in a location that had all the aspects of my plans but in a different area of the same name. I realised that if I had got the area I was thinking of it would not have fulfilled all my other requirements. Be careful what you wish for and be specific!
The first time I read Becoming Magic was a couple of years ago. I had come to the conclusion I was going to be positive at work even if nearly everyone else’s attitude at work was negative. Then I read Becoming Magic, Doing Magic and Advanced Magic. I put the intention out to the Universe that I would really like some paid time off. I really wanted to work on a book idea and just enjoy life a little more. Within months, three months to be exact, I was put on paid leave. It wasn’t what I would have expected. It was for disability due to a severe reaction to the chemicals at work. When I was home, I was well. I had my paid time off. It was like magic. I would have never thought things would have happened like they did. I had time to be healthy and enjoy life. I wrote my book. I just recently built my website for my author’s platform,, and I’m getting ready to publish two books: Seeing with Your Eyes Closed and Power UP: Guided Meditations for Younger People. This whole process started because I changed the way I thought and responded to life. I connected to the energy of life and how to dance with it. Becoming Magic is one of the first books I share with people who want to change their life. I come back to this book over and over, to refocus and just appreciate what Genevieve Davis has done.
Be blessed,
Diane R. Smith
Colorado, USA
I stumbled upon the Magic Books from Genevieve Davis while googling about being “jaded with the law of attraction.” I had practiced LOA techniques for years, and just got deeper and deeper into a hole of “nothing” to show for it. Immediately, I knew that G was speaking my language. She woke me up. I started the journals and gratitude immediately, and all of a sudden I had a client pay me twice what I had billed them as well as give me a designer watch. Then, I watched a dream of mine (moving back to California from Texas) happen within another few weeks. I honestly thought that one would not happen for at least 6 months.
Once I got to California, by then, I was practicing the technicques in G’s “Doing Magic” so I was “asking the Universe” (and my particular method was in the written letters). I wrote down very specific things I requested for my new apartment, and I got the exact one! I even received all the money I needed to put down all the deposits! It was astounding, and I’ve practiced her methods ever since.
Just one of the amazing things that have happened to me since discovering Genevieve Davis’ Magic series, is about a relationship. G doesn’t exactly promote setting specific dates to manifest things; in fact, she steers away from that and rightfully so. And in regards to manifesting a relationship, she also tells us to veer away from being specific about that particular person. Well, I kind of broke the rules, but the magic worked anyway. I had had an on/off relationship with this person for year, but had never heard them say “I love you.” Mentally (i didn’t write this down formally in a “letter to the Universe”) I had my mind set that this person — if they were the right one for me — would say “I love you” by the end of August. But here is where it gets weird. I mistakenly believed that the end of August was the 30th, not the 31st. So again, not written down, I had it stuck in my head that this person should say “I love you” before August 30th, and that would inform me as to whether I should continue to try to repair our relationship. Well, out of the blue, they called on August 29th for something completely different. Then the conversation suddenly turned into a litany of “I love you’s” – completely unsolicited and unexpected. In fact, I replied with “what?” because I thought I had heard her wrongly. But no, she repeated it in ever-so-many ways. And then… I noticed the date. Exactly what I had requested. Even in my wrong understanding of what the end of the month was. Amazing!!!
Another AMAZING thing that happened since practicing Genevieve Davis’ books is with my move up north. I had been listening to the magic books on Audio, nearly every night for at least a year. Literally. I went to sleep with it and listened to them during the day as well. I had (and still have) “Evidence Journals” all over the place at my residence – one of my favourite tools she shares in “Advanced Magic.” One would think I would have memorised the all the books by now, but I *always* glean some new distinction that I hadn’t noticed before, so I continue to read and listen to them and practice what they say to do. More is always revealed. That being said, I needed and wanted to move. But my move was out of state and wouldn’t happen for 3-4 months. I was looking on craiglist for homes to lease, but with it being so far in the future, most of those homes would be off the market within a week or two. There was ONE home, the only home that I actually took the pics from the internet (to save them) and I wrote the person on the ad. She said to contact her property management. This was in either late September or early October. I wasn’t moving till January, so I did NOT contact the manager. It was too far in advance. BUT, I never forgot that house. The ad disappeared from craigslist of course. I was certain that someone snapped the home up. In the meantime, I created a video to raise funds for my move, and I put the pics of that specific house saying “I could get a house like this”. Fast-forward to December, and I went on a whirlwind trip to that State to look for homes. It was a 3 day trip – very fast. On the last night of the trip, the ad for that home came back on craigslist. I immediately contacted the person, saw the house that night, it was the absolute hands-down winner of all the houses I’d looked at thus far, and I filled out the application with the managers — and I raised the funds in the fundraiser, got approved for the house, and now, that is where I am happily living!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!
…I love this house so much, my next manifestation is to buy it! That will truly take a miracle, but hey, you have to admit it was pretty much a miracle that I’m living here in the first place 🙂
So, Genevieve Davis has the Magic Trilogy — Beginning Magic, Doing Magic, and Advanced Magic — which I absolutely love. But then she came out with Becoming Rich – another favourite of mine of her creations. I am so glad she wrote on money because it is, as she says, the neediest, wantiest, graspiest of them all; prone to snap-backs and slippery. And I had severe money/income/debt problems since just prior to the recession in the USA. Almost immediately, I scored a $4000 project. That pretty much never happens, so it was definitely a great kickstart. Then I started her suggested allocation accounts, and I watched those accounts grow and grow. Yes, I would have to raid them and experienced snapbacks quite a bit, till I would say, around October. I had started to take “extreme responsibility” for all my finances, getting started with an accredited debt management company and filing an offer with the tax bureau. Then, instead of raiding the accounts so often, I backed off to start with 1 account. Then 2. Then all of a sudden, a lot more money started coming in, so I was able to start the 3rd and the 4th “savings” accounts. And I’m self-employed, so I also started a 5th account. The accounts are growing so rapidly that I’ve been able to buy myself some “fun” things from my “fun personal” account – things I never thought I’d be able to get for a long time! AND I was able to afford to ship my guitars to me (they were in another State, and I did not have money to ship them for over 2 years). They arrive on Tuesday 🙂 My car has only two payments left, and once those are done, the debt management company is working on all the rest to secure a plan of action to get rid of them. But get this — whereas before “Becoming Rich” I wasn’t able to live on 100% of my income, I am now living on 50% of it. The rest of the 50% is going towards fun, charities I love, a home, tax savings, and an emergency fund. I watch the balances grow and I LOVE IT. Something is working! Because — usually November, December, January and February are the slowest months for my business. But this year has been the BUSIEST I’ve seen in 10 years. I’m loving “Becoming Rich”!
Carine Horner
After reading the first and the second of your books, I decided to write a letter to the Universe. The problem was that I bought my house in the UK when working as a highly paid IT contractor, and it came with a massive mortgage which I could easily pay at that time. But then I decided to stop selling my time to employers and concentrate on my creative projects. As a result, my income went down and the mortgage became too heavy. I don’t remember what I wrote in that letter but basically I wanted to get enough money to pay off the mortgage and to keep working on the stuff that’s interesting for me.
Only much later I realised that that was exactly a response to my letter to the Universe: an alternative solution that, when implemented, can make me mortgage-free and happily working on my own creative projects in a warmer country. So we already found a house with a stunning sea view in Bulgaria and put our house in the UK on the market. What’s left is just to sell one house, to buy another one and to move. Easy 🙂
Alexander Kolesnikov
“I came across Genevieve Davis’s books by accident – although having read them I’m sure I was meant to find them! I’ve been interested in the Law of Attraction and positive thinking for a long time and have read many books on the subject, always with huge enthusiasm followed by stress, frustration, and confusion as I struggle to visualise the dream and to trust it can happen. Genny’s books are like having a key to open a door. Complex ideas are explained in a straightforward way that makes sense and is applicable. I’m also impressed that Genny gives the royalties from these books to charity rather than profiting from them – putting back and helping others gives her books a ‘right’ feeling in keeping with the subject matter. I’ve downloaded the books as audio books to listen to when I need a little ‘pep talk’ to keep me on track and positive and I tell my friends about them too. I’m an author now writing full time which is a dream come true. I’m hoping for a global bestseller with my new book THE LETTER and one thing I have certainly learned from Genny’s books is to ‘let go’ and just enjoy the journey!”
Ruth Saberton